
日時 2020年8月6日(金) 午後1時-午後6時、8月7日(土) 午前10時-午後4:35


      August6th (Fri), 2021       

13:05(JST, UTC+9) Opening   

13:10-14:10 Lect.1
「A thermal power station based on hydrogen (tentative)」 Dr. Hideshi HANAMURA (KEPCO)

14:10-15:10 Lect.2
「Development of Small light water reactor (tentative)」 Dr. Kazuaki KITOH (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.)

15:30-16:30 (JST, UTC+9)Lect. 3
"Concept and status of the Wendelstein 7-X project" Dr. Matthias Hirsch (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics・BRD)

16:45-17:45(JST, UTC+9)Lect.4
"A new IAEA textbook about Fundamentals of Magnetic Fusion Technology" Prof. Guido Van Oost (Ghent University・BEL)


      August7th (Sat), 2021       

10:00-11:30 (JST, UTC+9)Lect.5
"Plasma edge physics in toroidally symmetric and 3D plasma edge layers" Dr. Oliver Schmitz (University of Wisconsin-Madison・USA)   


13:00-13:30 Information of Poster session
13:30-15:00 Poster session by students

15:15-16:15 Lect. 6
「The present status and the future subjects of JT-60SA (tentative)」 Dr. Maiko YOSHIDA (QST, Naka-institute)

16:15-16:35 Commendation ceremony and Closing