Rural Electrification Workshop in KL

June 24, 2019
Hilton Double Tree Kuala Rumpur

9:30Welcoming Speech
Introduction to the workshop
Prof. Nasurdin (UMPEDAC)
Prof. H. Ohgaki (Kyoto U)
9:45Rural electrification experience sharingDr. Chen Suin , Mr. Christopher Wesley Ajan
Mr. Barry Law (Sarawak Energy Berhad)
10:15Our Findings on the Impacts of Rural Electrification in ASEANProf. H. Ohgaki (Kyoto U)
10:45Power Sector Policy in Myanmar: lessons from stakeholder engagementMs. M. Numata (University of Tokyo)
11:00Tea break
11:30Round Table DiscussionDr. Hang Seng Che
12:30Lunch Break
13:30Wrap up Mr. R. Fukuhara (Kyoto U)
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