- ・Oct. 29th. (Mon.) - Registration in the early morning, Oral and poster presentation from morning to evening, Welcome reception at night
* Welcome reception is at Cafe Restaurant Kihada, Uji campus, Kyoto University.
- ・Oct. 30th. (Tue.) - Oral and poster presentation from morning to evening, Dinner for invited speakers at night
* Dinner for invited speakers is at Seafood Izakaya Hananomai Kyoto Chuoguchiekimae, 5F Cerema Bldg, 1 min. walk from JR Kyoto station.
- Oct. 31st. (Wed.)- Oral presentation in the morning, Excursion in the afternoon, Banquet at night
* Excursion is to Byodoin, Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum, and Fushimi Inari Taisha.
* Banquet is at Kizakura Kappa Country, 7 min. walk from Keihan Chushojima station or Fushimi-momoyama station.
----------------- Conference agenda -----------------
----------------- Program -----------------
Tentative Program (updated on Oct. 24th) (Oral, Poster)- Poster panel size: height=180cm, width=120cm