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A design principle of functional biomolecules for highly effective energy utilization
  A transition to renewable energy technologies requires new chemistry to learn from nature. It is our challenge to understand the efficient bioenergetic processes of nature and to construct human-engineered energy utilization systems. The research interests in our group focus on the design and assembly of biomacromolecules for energy conversion, catalysis and signal transduction in water, the solvent of life. We take synthetic, organic chemical, biochemical and biophysical approaches to understand the biological molecular recognition and chemical reactions. Miniature proteins and protein/ nucleic acids assemblies are explored to construct artificial biomimetic devices mimicking the function of biological systems, transformation of cellular signals by fluorescent biosensors, directed self-assembly of peptides and proteins, artificial receptors and enzymes based on the complex of RNA and protein, and photosynthesis of chemicals currently made industrially.

 How to join us 
For international student applicants to MS. and Dr. course, please contact us.
  Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
  Please contact to Assoc. Prof. NAKATA  (E-mail)  -->-More Detail-

 Retirement Memorial Lecture by Professor Takashi Morii 
  Professor Takashi Morii will retire from IAE on March 31, 2024. Therefore, we will hold a lecture meeting to commemorate his retirement as follows.
Date : Friday, March 8, 2024, 15:00 - 17:30
Title: エネルギー理工学への旅 −ある生物有機化学者の場合−
Place: Kihada Hall, Ohbaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Admission: Free
For registration and inquiries, please contact the office in charge at the Institute of Energy Science and Engineering (E-mail: office*iae.kyoto-u.ac.jp )(Please change "*" to "@" when sending e-mail.)
More detail(poster)

What's New
 2024.4    Ms. Suzune Onishi, Mr. Takumi Kajio and Mr. Ryunosuke Kondo has joined our lab as the master students.
 2024.3.31    Professor Takashi Morii has retired. Thank you very much for your past support.
 2024.3.8    The Retirement Memorial Lecture by Professor Takashi Morii was held.
 2024.3.4    An article on the research results was published on Nikkei Shimbum Online.(External URL)
 2024.2.23    We announced the information about Retirement Memorial Lecture by Professor Takashi Morii.(More Details)
 2024.2.22    Doctoral dissertation defense seminars were held by Konishi and Zhang Shiwei.
 2024.1.23    An article on the research results in the field of Biofunctional Chemistry Research Section was published on the website of "Science Japan".(External URL)
 2023.12.22    An article on the research results was published on 客観日本. (External URL)
 2023.11.1-3    Professor Takashi Morii was honored with the prestigious 2023 Ikehara Award by the Japanese Society of Nucleic Acids Chemistry (JSNAC) at the 50th International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry,(IAE News Release)(photo) and the 5 presentations were given.
 2023.10.21-22    Science Class "光合成色素を取り出して光らせてみよう" was held at open campus.
 2023.9.8-10    The 3 presentations were given at The 17th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry.
 2023.9    Second-year master student presented the report in Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science.
 2023.8.30-9.1    The 2 presentations were given at The 14th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science.
 2023.4    Mr. Futa Komatsubara was advancing to the Doctoral course and Reem Mohammad joined to the lab.
 2023.3    Mr. Futa Komatsubara, Mr. Yuya Shibano, Ms. Mei Nakabayashi completed master program.
 2023.3.22-25    The 7 presentations were given at The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting.
 2022.2    Second-year master students:Mr. Futa Komatsubara, Mr. Yuya Shibano, Ms. Mei Nakabayashi presented the report in Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science.
 2022.11.2-4    Five poster presentations were given at The 49th International Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry.
 2022.9.10-12    Poster presentations awere given at The 16th Symposium on Biorelevant Chenistry.
 2022.9.6   The poster presentations were given at The 13th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science.
 2022.9    Second-year master students: Mr. konatsubara Futa, Mr. Shibano Yuya and Ms. Nakabayashi Mei presented the internim report in Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science.
 2022.8.3    Science Class "光合成色素を分取してみよう!" was held by Uji city and Kyoto university.
 2022.5    Ms. Surachada Chuaychob has joined our lab as redearch fellow.
 2022.4    Ms. Yang Hui has joined our lab as first year doctor student. Mr. Xian Shuhui has joined our lab as first year master student.
 2022.4    Lin Peng was appointed as assistant professor.
 2022.3    Mr. Shunsuke Tajima completed doctor program. Ms. Wanqing Hou, Ms. Yaqi Zhang and Mr. Taiga Baba completed master program.
 2022.3.4    Five presentations were given at The IAE Student Research Presentation and Ms. Peng Lin won the Best student award.
 2022.2.28    Mr. Shunsuke Tajima's thesis defence was held.
 2022.2.15    Second-year master students:Ms. Wanqing Hou, Ms. Yaqi Zhang, Mr. Taiga Baba presented the report in Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science.
 2021.12.16-21    The invitation lecture was given by Mr. Takashi Morii and the two presentation presentation were given at Pacifichem 2021.
 2021.12.6    Chardet Crystalle ended her term.