平成30年度 第6回センター談話会(2019年2月20日)
Past Events
場所:京都大学宇治キャンパス エネルギー理工学研究所セミナー室3
(本館 N-273E)
1)Dr. Tshewang Lhendup(Matsumae International Foundation Fellow)
演題:Analysis of Building Energy Performance: Current
and Future Trend in Bhutan
2)坂上和之 早稲田大学高等研究所 准教授
(京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所 非常勤講師)
概要:(Dr. Tshewang Lhendup)
Buildings in Bhutan currently account for 52% of the total thermal energy consumption, out of which 15% is due to heating and cooling of residential buildings. This is expected to increase over the years due to change in lifestyle of the residents. Most of the space heating is done by electricity or firewood whereas cooling is using electricity. While the electricity price is relatively cheaper compared to the neighbouring countries, most households still cannot afford good space heating and cooling system due to high running cost. One of the reasons for high running cost of heating and cooling is due to significant leakage between the building elements.
Heat loss through the building envelopes was estimated between 40-70%. The concept of energy efficient building is yet to kick start in Bhutan. As of now, there are no literature on the thermal performance of buildings in Bhutan or energy efficient building design. Therefore, there is need to study the thermal performance of buildings to establish a baseline to assist the concerned government agencies in Bhutan to formulate regulations and policies on building energy efficiency. This presentation will encompass the building energy performance under current and future climate scenarios.
エネルギー生成研究部門 量子放射エネルギー研究分野