
学生17名(京都大学、九州大学、京都工繊大、名古屋大学、西南交通大学)、教員11名(京都大学、核融合研、中部大学、Max-Planck Institute、Eindhoven Univeristy of Technology、University of Wisconsin-Madison、西南交通大学)が参加しました。


日時 2019年8月9日(金)午後 - 10日(土)
場所 かんぽの宿・彦根(滋賀県彦根市松原町)

2019年8月8日(木)-9日(金)午前に開催される「未来エネルギー研究協会 第19回 若手研究者のためのサマースクール」の後に、引き続き開催します。

Osamu Motojima, Prof. (Director General Emeritus of ITER Organization, President of Future Energy Research Association, Board of Trustees member, Chubu University)
“High-Temperature Superconducting DC Transmission Technology brings a Paradigms Shift in Energy System and Society”

Andreas Dinklage, Dr. (Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany)
"Results from the first experimental campaigns of Wendelstein 7-X"

Josefine Proll, Dr. (Eindhoven Institute of Technology, Netherland)
"Turbulence in fusion plasmas"

Daniel J Den Hartog, Dr. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
"Overview of plasma diagnostic techniques"



The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on magnetic confinement fusion:

  1. Energy consumption and selected aspects of the environmental impact of energy production
  2. Basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion
  3. Kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma
  4. Concepts and experimental results of tokamak and stellarator configurations
  5. Plasma heating and diagnostics

The lectures are designed for physics and engineering students who passed their bachelor (undergraduate) courses and have not yet finished their PhD topic. One of the goals of the Summer School is to promote an exchange of views among the coming generation of scientists. Opportunities for discussions with lecturers and students are provided between the sessions, during the reception and the excursion.
