Message from the Director (Akira KOHYAMA )


The great challenge of the renewed Institute of Advanced Energy, since 1996, has been producing many accomplishments in R & D contributing "Energy Science and Technology for Environmental Conscious Society", or "Energy Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy Systems" for a decade.

During the first decade, "The Institute" also provided many outstanding doctors to intra- and inter- national communities and societies, which is one of the important missions for "The Institute" as the cooperating partner to "The Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology".

The first decade of the institute was dedicated to establishing unique and integrated research facilities including the advanced helical type plasma device (Heliotron-J), the multi-beam irradiation testing facility (DuET), the multi-scale testing and evaluation facility (MUSTER), Kyoto University free electron laser facility (KUFEL). These facilities and the active fluidity of personal resource of the institute have been driving the research activities for producing many scientific and technological accomplishments in Solar Energy system, Bio Energy system, Nuclear Fission and Fusion Energy system and their integrated energy systems, for the first decade.

Now at the starting point of the second decade, "The Institute" is concentrating to generate and to promote innovative worlds of energy science and technology toward mid-21 Century and the beyond.

The new challenge for the second decade will be conducted under the two research divisions, "Advanced Plasma Energy and System Integration Research Division" and "Energy Research-Nano Science Division", supported by the research cluster activities promoting further progresses in international collaborations and inter-connections with other communities and societies both domestic and international.

"The Institute" recognizes the importance to have excellent partners and collaborators in its activities.

It would be our greatest pleasure that this annual report could make a way to open a new world for our new collaborative and cooperative activities.

April 2007

2007.4 - 2007.10

  • 京都大学研究連携基盤
  • 国立大学附置研究所・センター長会議
  • 京都大学宇治キャンパス
  • 京大宇治地区三研究所技術部
  • 刊行物
  • 所内限定ページ
  • 京都大学