Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Research area: Science and Engineering (Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering)
Research project: Development and application of valley-spin photonics in atomically thin layered materials
Project Leader:Prof. Kazunari Matsuda
Project Period:FY2020 ‒ FY2024
In the atomically thin materials, the strong coupling of valley and spin degree of freedom induces novel physical degree of freedom as “valley-spin”. Recently, we found the new route for valley-spin quantum optics through the series of studies by quantum control of valley-spin states. Thus, we would like to develop the new field of valley-spin quantum photonics providing the great impact on the optical and material science research. Moreover, we extend these fundamental studies to application of valley-spin quantum photonics.