Quantum Radiation Energy

Advanced Energy Generation Division Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section

Professor : Hideaki OHGAKI
Associate Professor : Heishun ZEN
Program-Specific Assistant Professor : Jordi CRAVIOTO CABALLERO

Research on Generation and Application of New Quantum Radiations, i.e. Compact MIR Free Electron Laser, Table-Top THz coherent radiation, and Laser-Compton Gamma-ray. International collaboration research on renewable implementation in ASEAN.


Generation and Application of New Quantum Radiation

Generation and application of new quantum radiations from relativistic electron beams have been studied. Free electron laser, which is generated by a high brightness electron beam from an accelerator, is a tunable laser with high power. We have developed a thermionic cathode RF gun with our original RF control system to generate mid-infrared FEL with a compact accelerator system. In 2008 we succeeded in FEL power saturation at 13.6 μm in wavelength and now the FEL can provide the intense laser light in the wavelength region from 3.4 to 26 μm. As application researchers, we promote the mode-selective phonon excitation experiment to study wide-gap semiconductors in cooperation with in-house users as well as outside users. Generation and application of Laser-Compton Gamma-ray beam have been studied for the nuclear safeguard and security technology. A short period undulator consisting of bulk high Tc superconducting magnet and table- top THz coherent radiation have been studied. We promote international collaboration research on renewable energy implementation in ASEAN as well.

Principle of FEL

Generation of Free Electron Laser (FEL) is based on the microbunching phenomenon driven by a high brightness electron beam which interacts with electro-magnetic field.


Wavelength Tunability of KU-FEL.

This graph shows the wavelength tunability of KU-FEL. We can freely change the FEL wavelength from 3.4 to 26 μm by changing the electron beam energy from 36 to 20 MeV and magnetic field strength of the undulator. The spectral width of the FEL is around 1-3 percent in FWHM.

KU-FEL dist.png

Isotope CT by using Laser-Compton Gamma-ray beam

Isotope mapping by using Laser-Compton Gamma-ray beam generated in collision of electron beam and laser has been developed to apply nuclear safeguard.


  • 京都大学研究連携基盤
  • 国立大学附置研究所・センター長会議
  • 京都大学宇治キャンパス
  • 京大宇治地区三研究所技術部
  • 刊行物
  • 所内限定ページ
  • 京都大学