In order to study at the Institute of Advanced Energy (IAE)

Let your dreams powered by advanced energy!

Procedure for acceptance of graduate students at IAE

There are twelve laboratories that accept students at the IAE, we focus on research that aims towards the next generation of advanced energy among a wide range of academic fields spanning physic, chemistry, biology and engineering, as well as education that trains and produces students capable of originality and international activity. In order to study at the IAE, it is possible to either be admitted into an affiliated laboratory of the Graduate School of Energy Science, or to be enrolled as a research student.

IAE is divided into different Departments. To join a lab in a given department, a student must come to an agreement with the lab supervisor. If that supervisor does not hold the title of professor, then the student must also receive additional permission from a IAE professor based on the advice of the lab supervisor. It is recommended that Applicants consult the lab supervisor prior to taking the entrance examination.

Application processApplication process

1. Select desired lab
2. Contact supervisor and inquire about possibility of being accepted as a student. Interview, if necessary.
3. Supervisor notifies applicant of result of (2).
4. Prospective student takes Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University entrance examination.

*Master program may not require the prior agreement from the lab. supervisor. Please confirm the entrance examination information of the Graduate School of Energy Science for details.

For information on application procedures and examination dates, please contact the Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University.
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Procedure for acceptance of research students at IAE
Apart from enrolling as a graduate student, it is possible to participate in research activities by enrolling as a research student at the IAE. If you wish to become a research student, please contact your prospective supervisor under whom want to study and obtain a consent of acceptance. After the appointed proceedings have been completed, you will become a research student. Please note that degrees are not given to research students. For more details, please contact your prospective supervisor.

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Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
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# Associate Professor
† Department at Graduate School of Energy Science
K=Department of Fundamental Energy Science
H=Department of Energy Conversion Science
O=Department of Energy Science and Technology
Replace"*" with "@" when sending mail.

Advanced Energy Generation Division
Dept. head: Kazunobu Nagasaki

Research Section Dept. at Graduate School Supervisor Website Contact
Quantum Radiation Energy Research Section O Hideaki Ohgaki Research Overview ohgaki.hideaki.2w*
Advanced Atomic Energy Research Section H Juro Yagi# Research Overview yagi.juro.6r*
Advanced Plasma Energy Research Section H Kazunobu Nagasaki Research Overview nagasaki.kazunobu.4x*
Complex Plasma Systems Research Section K Shigeru Inagaki Research Overview inagaki.shigeru.7s*

Advanced Energy Conversion Division
Dept. head: Yuhei Miyauchi

Research Section Dept. at Graduate School Supervisor Website Contact
Functional Materials Science and Engineering Research Section O Yuhei Miyauchi  Research Overview miyauchi.yuhei.3r*
Advanced Laser Science Research Section O Takashi Nakajima# Research Overview nakajima.takashi.4c*
Advanced Energy Structural Materials Research Section H Kazunori Morishita# Research Overview morishita.kazunori.7m*
Nano Optical Science Research Section K Kazunari Matsuda Research Overview matsuda.kazunari.2r*

Advanced Energy Utilization Division
Dept. head: Toshiyuki Nohira

Research Section Dept. at Graduate School Supervisor Website Contact
Chemical Reaction Complex Processes Research Section K Toshiyuki Nohira Research Overview nohira.toshiyuki.8r*
Molecular Nanotechnology Research Section K Hiroshi Sakaguchi Research Overview sakaguchi.hiroshi.7z*
Biofunctional Chemistry Research Section K Eiji Nakata# Research Overview nakata.eiji.2a*
Structural Energy Bioscience Research Section K Masato Katahira Research Overview katahira.masato.6u*

Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes
This department does not accept graduate students at present.

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