
The Institute of Advanced Energy (IAE) and the Graduate School of Energy Science were both founded in 1996 to contribute to the educational mission of Kyoto University, and each research section of IAE offers courses in conjunction with the graduate school. IAE offers a highly specialized education that fosters a global perspective, which is reflected by our high percentages of doctoral students and international students. In the 2022 academic year, 124 were students affiliated with IAE; 43 were doctoral students, of which 29 were international students.

In order to foster internationally minded students, we go to great lengths to provide students with opportunities early in their graduate careers to attend international conferences outside of Japan, as well as to facilitate student interactions with people from other research institutes from around the world. Moreover, we actively encourage our students to present their research at academic conferences both in Japan and abroad.

In addition to our flexible operations to meet the needs of our students, we provide financial support through research assistantships and other financial aid. We also provide career support, which is catered to doctoral students, and are committed to expanding our students' career options after graduation. Many of our graduates are pursuing successful careers in universities, national laboratories, and other private research institutes.

We welcome applications and recommendations of outstanding students from around the world.

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  • 京都大学研究連携基盤
  • 国立大学附置研究所・センター長会議
  • 京都大学宇治キャンパス
  • 京大宇治地区三研究所技術部
  • 刊行物
  • 所内限定ページ
  • 京都大学