(Seminar) Overview of DOE ATF Goals & SiC/SiC Program
Past Events
Date: 5th July 2019 13:30-14:30
Venue: Seminar-room3(N-273E)
Speaker: Yutai Katoh (Kato), PhD
Distinguished Research Staff
Group Leader - Nuclear Structural Materials
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Title: Overview of DOE ATF Goals & SiC/SiC Program
Abstract: Silicon carbide composite-based cladding is considered an advanced option for accident-tolerant fuels (ATF) for light water reactors.
In this presentation the U.S. Department of Energy’s ATF program is overviewed followed by discussion on the planning, progress, and future directions for the silicon carbide composite technology development.
Contact: Assoc. Prof. Tatsuya Hinoki