KU press / 京大プレス
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Coalescence of carbon nanotubes while preserving the chiral angles
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Photo-assisted Bottom-up Synthesis of Orange Phosphorus
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Janus graphene nanoribbons with localized states on a single zigzag edge
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Lattice-guided growth of dense arrays of aligned transition metal dichalcogenide nanoribbons with high catalytic reactivity
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Electrochemical on-surface synthesis of a strong electron-donating graphene nanoribbon catalyst
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Quantum coherence and interference of a single moiré exciton in nano-fabricated twisted monolayer semiconductor heterobilayers
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Morphological study of depth-controlled high quality holes and lines fabricated on a metal substrate with a thin metal film by picosecond laser pulses
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Impact of avalanche type of transport on internal transport barrier formation in tokamak plasmas
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Near quantitative ligation results in resistance of DNA origami against nuclease and cell lysate
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
A New Concept of Molten Salt Systems for the Electrodeposition of Si, Ti, and W
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Shift current photovoltaics based on a noncentrosymmetric phase in in-plane ferroelectric SnS
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Cooking up plasmas with microwaves
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Spatiotemporal dynamics of high-wavenumber turbulence in a basic laboratory plasma
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Shedding light on the base-pair opening dynamics of nucleic acids in living human cells
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Electronic Descriptors for Vacancy Formation and Hydrogen Solution in Be-Rich Intermetallics
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Three-dimensional dynamics of fluctuations appearing during pellet ablation process around a pellet in a fusion plasma experiment
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Spatially resolved measurement of helium atom emission line spectrum in scrape-off layer of Heliotron J by near-infrared Stokes spectropolarimetry
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Efficient and Chiral Electroluminescence from In-Plane Heterostructure of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Room-Temperature Chiral Light-Emitting Diode Based on Strained Monolayer Semiconductors
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Record high extraction efficiency of free electron laser oscillator
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Development and structural determination of an anti-PrPC aptamer that blocks pathological conformational conversion of prion protein
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Reformation of the Electron Internal Transport Barrier with the Appearance of a Magnetic Island
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Strength of carbon nanotubes depends on their chemical structures
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Valence Electron and Chemical State Analysis of Be12M (M = Ti, V) Beryllides by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
NMR Analysis on Molecular Interaction of Lignin with Amino Acid Residues of Carbohydrate-Binding Module from Trichoderma reesei Cel7A
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Discovery of a common method for thermostabilizing many G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), important drug targets ―Contribution to new solution of three-dimensional structures of multiple GPCRs―
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Evidence for line width and carrier screening effects on excitonic valley relaxation in 2D semiconductors
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
First evidence of the lignin - carbohydrate linkage inside the plant cell wall - Contribution to the progress of biomass utilization toward sustainable society
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Strain-induced skeletal rearrangement of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Design of Modular Protein-Tags for the Orthogonal Covalent Bond Formation
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Homochiral polymerization-driven selective growth of graphene nanoribbons
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Observation of number-density-dependent growth of plasmonic nanobubbles
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Identification of Thermostabilizing Mutations for Membrane Proteins
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
Chemical State Mapping of Degraded B4C Control Rod