Topologically-interlocked minicircles as probes of DNA topology and DNA-protein interactions
Research Topics / 研究トピックス
A research article written by A. Rajendran, K. Krishnamurthy, S. Park, E. Nakata, Y. Kwon and T. Morii is published in Chemistry – A European Journal. This publication is an outcome of the International collaboration with Prof. Y. Kwon and her team at Ewha Womans University. This collaboration was inspired by the International and Interdisciplinary Environments of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program “Asian Chemical Biology Initiative (ACBI)” and initiated during the appointment of Prof. Y. Kwon as a Visiting Associate Professor at IAE in 2013.
Title; Topologically-interlocked minicircles as probes of DNA topology and DNA-protein interactions
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2022 February 25
Advanced Energy Utilization Division, Biofunctional Chemistry Research Section
Laboratory for Complex Energy Processes, Self-Assembly Science Research Section