(Information)The 9th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science (3-5 Sep. 2018)
Past Events
*Sept. 4th meeting got canceled due to a typhoon.
Sept. 5th, each parallel seminar of the international symposium is being held on schedule.
Date: September 3rd to 5th, 2018
Venue: Kyoto University Uji Campus
The 9th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science - Interplay for Zero-Emission Energy– will be held on September 3rd - 5th, 2018 jointly by the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University and Joint Usage/Research Center for Zero-Emission Energy Research.
Plenary Speaker
Ken-ichi Ueda
The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Emeritus Professor" Zero-Emission Electric Vehicle System for Tokyo Metro Area "
Invited Speaker
Koichi Shiraga
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Director" Overview of Electric Power Safety Policy in Japan towards Use of Renewable Energy "
Wang Zhiguang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Professor" Current Status of the Chinese ADS Project and the Development of SIMP Steel "
George R. McKee
University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A
Senior Scientist" Dynamics of Turbulence in Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas "
Yalin Lu
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Professor" New Photocatalysts Based on Layered Complex Òxides "
Paul Walton
University of York, UK
Professor" Molecular Insights into the Enzymatic Oxidation of
Polysaccharides by Iytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases " -
Shirley Meng
University of California, U.S.A
Professor" From Atom to Microgrid - New Perspectives for
Electrochemical Energy Storage " -
Yoshiyuki Watanabe
National Institutes for Quantum and
Radiological Science and Tecnology, Japan
Principal Researcher" From Atom to Microgrid - New Perspectives for
Electrochemical Energy Storage " -
Takuya Yamamoto
University of California Santa Barbara, U.S.A
Professional Researcher" Synergistic Effects of Displacement Damages and
Helium in Fusion Reactor Structural Materials - Studies Using DuET Facility " -
Taiichi Shikama
Kyoto University, Japan
Associate Professor" Zeeman Spectroscopy for the Tomographic Measurement of
Magnetically Confined Plasmas " -
Kei Takakura
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan
Engineer" Compact Neutron Generator for
Nuclear Applications Based on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion " -
Shinichiro Mouri
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Assistant Professor" Van der Waals Epitaxy of
Nitride Semiconductors towards Energy Conversion Devices " -
Atsushi Wakamiya
Kyoto University, Japan
Professor"Materials Science for Printable Perovskite Solar Cells "
Toshiya Senda
Structural Biology Research Center, Japan
Professor"Structure and Function of Dioxygenases
in the Lignin Degradation Pathway of Sphingobium sp. SYK-6" -
Reiko Sakaguchi
Kyoto University, Japan
Assistant Professor"Development of Intracellular Thermosensors for
the Understanding of Energy Production in Mitochondria " -
Koji Amezawa
Tohoku University, Japan
Professor”Electrode Designs for High-Performance Batteries Based on Operand Anaysis
Using Synchrotron X-Ray
~ Toward Efficient Uses of Sustainable Energy ~ ” -
Yasuhiro Domi
Tottori University, Japan
Assistant Professor"Study on Development of Compound-Based Anode for
Alkali-Metal-Ion Batteries and
on Compatibility with Molten Salt Electrolyte " -
Hiroshi Sakaguchi
Kyoto University, Japan
Professor"Nature-inspired Surface Science for Energy "
This site is updated accordingly as new information is available.
Contact:Joint Usage/Research Center for Zero-Emission Energy Research
Web: http://www.iae.kyoto-u.ac.jp/zero_emission/